Class of 2022 Senior Theses

This year, three of our seniors in the English track wrote a graduation thesis. From the titles alone, you can catch a glimpse of our students’ broad range of interests.

A student from Thailand wrote about early Christian missions in Japan in a thesis she titled, “Gatekeepers, Acculturation Strategy, and Contextualization in Francis Xavier’s Mission in Japan.” She was supervised by Prof. Sytsma.

A student from Zambia titled his thesis, “Predestination: Reformed Soteriology as the Path to a Steadfast Joy.” He was also supervised by Prof. Sytsma.

A student from Zimbabwe focused on Christianity in her home country in a thesis she titled, “The Impact of Mainline Churches on Income Gap Disparity in Africa: A Case Study of Zimbabwe.” She was supervised by Prof. Morita.

If you ever visit the TCU Library, check them out!

