Do College in Japan in 3 Easy Steps!

You can Do College in Japan – at TCU – in just 3 easy steps!

Step 1 :  Fill out the Step 1 form. 

Step 2 : Let’s connect. 

Step 3 : Apply Online. 

Step 1:Fill out the “Step 1 Form.”

The application process is easier than you think IF you break it into small steps.

Take the first step now.

Click on the Contact TCU link to let us know you’re interested.

Contact TCU

Step 2:Let’s connect.

We know how confusing it can be to apply to college anywhere, but perhaps especially in Japan. One of the most important things you can do, then, is to connect with someone who can guide and encourage you. 

If you filled out our Contact TCU form, we’ll get in touch with you by email. Watch your inbox. When you hear from us, that’ll mean we’ve connected. Then we’ll take it from there together. Sometimes email is enough. Sometimes a group session online works well. And sometimes it’s better to talk one-on-one online.

If you don’t receive an email within 3 to 4 business days after filling in the Contact TCU form, try the form again, or email us directly.

Step 3: Apply online.

We will begin accepting online applications for 2025 this fall. When we connect during Step 2, we'll let you know more about the schedule and what to expect. In the meantime, if you have any questions, we’re just an email or phone call away.

If you have any questions about this step, don’t hesitate to email or call us!

1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . Go!

One . . . Would you like to do college in Japan? Contact us!

Two . . . Would you like someone to guide you? Let’s connect! 

Three . . . Ready to take it to the next level? Apply online!

P.S. If you’re in Japan, come visit us at TCU!