Graduate School

Graduate School Admissions

Admissions to the TCU Doctoral Program

Application Process

  1. Prescreening consultation

    ▶ Confirmation of application eligibility and research area

  2. Notification of prescreening consultation result

  3. Application submission

    ▶ Initial screening based on submitted documents

  4. Notification of initial screening

  5. Second Screening

    ▶ English exam and interview

  6. Final result notification

  7. Enrollment

Admissions Policy

Applicants who are the most capable among those who have expressed dedication to Christ and have completed a Master’s degree in theological studies or the equivalent (as determined by the graduate committee) are eligible for consideration.

Admissions Quota

Time of Entrance Quota
April 2025 2
August 2025

Qualifications for Admission

Individuals recognized as possessing superior academic skills among those who have expressed faith in Christ, and who have completed a Master’s degree or the equivalent (as determined by the graduate committee) before entering the Ph.D. program at TCU.

  1. Those who have received a Master’s degree or equivalent in Japan (as defined by the School Education Law
    in Japan).
  2. Those who have received a Master’s degree or equivalent outside of Japan.
  3. Those who have completed a Master’s degree or equivalent in Japan through a correspondence course offered by a foreign institution.
  4. Those who have received a Master’s degree or equivalent from a foreign institution that is recognized by the Ministry of Education in Japan.
  5. Those who have completed a Master’s degree equivalent at United Nations University.
  6. Those who have completed a program in a foreign country, at a designated institution, or at United Nations University, and have passed the exam stated in Japan’s Standards for Establishment of Graduate Schools or equivalent.
  7. Those designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan.
  8. Those who are older than 24 years of age and are considered to be as academically capable as those who have completed a Master’s degree or equivalent through individual reviews by TCU graduate school.

Prescreening Consultation

The applicant is required to send the following documents before submitting an application. The graduate school admissions committee will determine whether the desired field of research matches what is offered at TCU. These documents should be submitted at least one month before starting date of the application period.

Required documents

  1. Prescreening Consultation Application
  2. Academic Transcript (theological education only)
  3. Certificate of Graduation (theological education only)
  4. Master’s Thesis and Summary (Paper size: A4 or Letter size)

*Please refer to the Admissions Handbook for more information. Applicants who wish to begin the prescreening consultation process should contact the Admissions Office.

Deadlines and Screening Schedule

  November Screening January Screening
Time of Entrance April / August 2025 * April / August 2025 *
Prescreening Consultation Applicants must have a prescreening consultation at least one month before application.
Application Periods September 24 - October 2, 2024 November 18 - 26, 2024
Initial Screening Result Notification October 18, 2024 January 10, 2025
Second Screening ** November 21, 2024 January 24 or 25, 2025
Final Result Notification November 28, 2024 February 6, 2025
Enrollment Deadline December 16, 2024 February 21, 2025

* Successful applicants may choose the time of entrance.

** (For January screening) Exam date and time will be notified at the time of the initial screening result notification by email.


Screening Details

1.   Initial Screening

The admissions committee will review previous research achievement (a Master’s thesis or equivalent) and other application documents, including a dissertation proposal based on previous research.

2.   Second Screening

Applicants who pass the initial screening will be given an English exam and an interview.
Test location: TCU Campus or Online (via Zoom)

English Exam 

・Test time: 70 minutes

・Test method

 On campus: Written exam 
 Online (via Zoom): Oral exam


 a)  A valid TOEFL score holder (score taken within two years):

     90 or higher on the Internet-based test. (Those who will write a doctoral thesis in Japanese.)
     101 or higher on the Internet-based test. (Those who will write a doctoral thesis in English.)

b) Those who have finished (or expected to finish) a Master's program in English.

 Interview  ・Test time: 60 minutes

Applicants may choose to have the online screening if the following conditions are met:

a)    The applicant must have a good and reliable Internet connection with clear sound and video. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that he/she has a good and reliable Internet connection. Please note that the interview may be cancelled if the sound and video are of low quality due to the applicant's Internet connection and/or computer problems.

b)    The applicant must submit "Agreement regarding Online Examination" (Form 7) at the time of application.

c)     The applicant must be available during the time specified by TCU. The interview will take place between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Japan time (GMT +9:00).


Contact Information

Phone: +81-476-46-1131
Business hours: Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. Japan time (GMT +9:00)