Christianity and Anime

What’s your favorite anime?

I never cease to be amazed at how much some of our international students know about anime. Some have watched a lot more than our Japanese students who grew up in Japan.

It should be no surprise, then, to learn about something like Aniplex of America’s “Anime Expo 2022,” held at the Los Angeles Convention Center this past weekend through today.

Anime Expo Featured Events

How many of the featured events do you recognize?

No promises yet, but we’re thinking it would be both fun and educational to have a “Global Connections” event about anime.

We’re still trying to figure it out, but here are a few examples of the sorts of things we could do:

  • Christian themes in popular anime
  • Christians working in the anime industry
  • Religion and Spirituality in ___ (Demon Slayer, etc.)
  • Love and Friendship in ___

What do you think? Do you have any ideas? Do you know anyone working in anime? Or do you know any Christian “experts” in anime?

If you’re an anime fan, could you answer one or more of the questions in the form below? (If you don’t see a form embedded below, please click here to fill in the form.)

