In today’s blog, I will be attempting to answer a difficult question. In the many conversations I have had this trimester, one question I am consistently asked is “What is your favorite class?”. I cannot recall a time my mind was decided on a specific one, nor do I remember giving just a single answer to the question. It is like trying to choose my favorite worship music. I assure you that it is not because I barely enjoy my classes, but just the opposite―I enjoy them all. Here will share about two classes that sit at the top of my list.

In class lectures

First, my Japanese class. This is a compulsory course in the first two years of study at TCU for English speaking students. You can get a pass only if you have a JLPT certificate that indicates your proficiency. Although I am picking up the Japanese language really slowly, this is still a class I very much enjoy. One of my favorite activities is to prepare and act out skits based on the grammatical points we have covered. I am never fully prepared for how hilarious these skits get. We enjoy interactions and are encouraged to ask questions not just with regard to the language, but the culture as well.

Japanese skit performance

Next, is my “Introduction to Global Studies” class. Although it is compulsory only for those choosing to major in Global Studies, I still decided to take it as a theology major out of curiosity. I am happy to have done so because it ended up being truly memorable. We had the opportunity to intensively engage global realities of different sorts such as culture, globalization, development, food and religion, among others. A major highlight was going on a field trip with the entire class to one of Japan’s most culturally diverse location, Shin- Okubo. We got to examine firsthand an ethnoscape that we read about, and had the opportunity to observe the effects of migration in real time. I also got a taste of Korean cuisine for the first time.

Global Studies Field Trip

My “Western Philosophy” class was also a hit. It is part of a set of classes called “Great Books”. Their purpose is to read and engage with sources, mostly primary, in preparation for lengthy discussions with classmates every week. This trimester we looked specifically at Stoic philosophy. My Psychology class was likewise enjoyable. Most of the content was new to me, which made it both a challenging, yet fun experience. It has been a busy trimester and I eagerly anticipate my classes in the next.

Western Philosophy- discussion session

Written by B. John M’baaday