


Last time I wrote about Kaze no Oka Cafe and today I would like to share about another cafe. This past Friday I opened an American cafe with some of my friends. We held it in Barnabas hall from 7 to 9 in the evening.

20151111_01アメリカでは木の葉っぱの色が変わるとパンプキンやりんごのスイーツなど、秋の味覚の時期です。それでアメリカンカフェでパンプキンケーキやアップ ルクリスプやチョコチップクッキーを提供しました。一人のアメリカ人の留学生がコーヒーを入れてくれました。そして紅茶も色々な種類を出しました。

In America when the tree leaves turn color it is time for pumpkin and apple treats, fall treats. So at the cafe we served pumpkin cake, apple crisp, and the traditional chocolate chip cookies. One of the exchange students from America made pressed coffee and we also offered choices of tea.


To add to the American atmosphere, we hung pictures from the hometowns of American international students and even one of a professor.


We opened the cafe to allow Japanese students to experience an American cafe and also to raise money to help replace the old electric piano in the student union room.


Because the profit was for an electric piano, we had a special guest musician from the TCU music circle play guitar for about 30 minutes. As everyone enjoyed the background music they ate their sweets, drank their coffee and tea, and chatted.


We heard from the customers that the sweets and coffee were delicious and they enjoyed good fellowship. From the profit and donations we earned 10,292 yen which will all be donated to the electric piano fund.
