

Open Campus Application Form

The personal information you provide will be managed within the university and will not be used for any purpose other than to send you the latest information about the university, such as university brochures, application forms, open campus information, etc. However, it may be used for statistical research in a form that does not personally identify you in order to prepare internal materials.




Lodging will be provided in on-campus dormitories or nearby hotels. One night of lodging is free of charge for Open Campus participants. If the rooms are full, accommodation may not be available. Please apply for lodging at least 5 days in advance. Accompanying persons and parents/guardians will be charged for accommodation.



Notes on transportation and accommodation subsidies

Subsidies for transportation and lodging are available for those under 30 years of age who attend church regularly at the time of application. Please be sure to indicate the name of the church you attend if you wish to apply for assistance.



*After your application, you will receive an auto-reply email with an "Application Completed" message.
If you do not receive the auto-reply e-mail within the day of application, please contact us at nyushika@tci.ac.jp.



 エリア 金額
第1エリア(東京・神奈川・埼玉・千葉・茨城) 2,000円
第2エリア(栃木・群馬・山梨) 5,000円
第3エリア(第1、第2エリア以外) 10,000円

About transportation subsidy

Area Amount

Area 1 (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, Ibaraki) 2,000 yen

Area 2 (Tochigi, Gunma, Yamanashi) 5,000 yen

Area 3 (other than Areas 1 and 2) 10,000 yen